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Contact information

You can find our contact information here.

Contact us: +358 94246 9333

Asuntosäätiö’s service number

You can contact us by calling our service number +358 94246 9333. We help in all matters related to housing and applying for an apartment on weekdays from 9 am to 1 pm. In matters related to fault reports, you can contact us 24/7.

By calling our numbers beginning with 09 and 020, you can contact us at the price of local and mobile network.

Contact details of your own building

Kotikulma extranet

An electronic service and communication channel for right-of-occupancy residents.

Asuntosäätiö office

Our office is open Mon-Fri from 8 am to 4 pm.

Tuulikuja 2
02100 Espoo

Our emails are in the following format:

For media

Our emails are in the following format:

Johanna Otranen, Chief Communications and People Officer
tel. 020 161 2292

Tanja Oksa, Communications Specialist
tel. 020 161 2262

Soni Koli, Communications Specialist
tel. 020 161 2427

Read more: For media.