- Tuulikuja 2,
- 02100 Espoo
The water fees for our apartments are based on either the number of people living in the apartment or the consumption per apartment, in which case the amount of water consumption is measured with an apartment-specific water meter.
You can check the original amount and the basis for determining the water fee (which were determined at the time of signing the contract) in your right of occupancy or rental agreement. As a right-of-occupancy resident, you can also check the information related to the fee in Kotikulma (in Finnish). Water fees and water fee advances are reviewed annually on January 1.
We check the valid water fees regularly when the water and energy prices are updated. The new fee comes into effect when the billing period changes. You can check the current water fees in your own city below.
You can deduct any water fee refund from your next month’s rent. If you use an e-invoice or direct payment, the account number must be provided in writing for the payment to be refunded.
As a right-of-occupancy resident, please provide your bank account details for the refund in writing either at, in Kotikulma (in Finnish) or by mail to Asuntosäätiön Asumisoikeus Oy, Tuulikuja 2, 02100 Espoo.
As a rental resident, please provide your bank account details for the refund in writing at